Friday, January 27, 2012

Any Orchid buffs about?

Are there any reasons for not potting more than one orchid together in a larger pot arrangement?

I appreciate that every year or so they will need to be repositioned due to the way they grow out of the soil but is this the only factor that would make having a larger arrangement difficult to maintain?

I have had a look online and in garden centres and any larger displays have either been 1 orchid with other plants, or more than 1 orchid still in their individual pots arranged together within a larger pot.

I'm just wondering if there's a bit more to it if these sort of arrangements are not available to buy (or not that I've found anyway)

Any Orchid buffs about?
Leave them in individual pots. There are lots of reasons.

If you were to put several orchids into the same container, their roots will intermingle - problems at repotting time.

If one gets a disease or virus, they all do.

You can not put orchids and other things such as houseplants together because they require different growing medium. If you plant orchids in dirt, they will suffocate.

See source for orchidgrowing info
Reply:I see no reason why you can't grow more than one of the same cultivare in the same pot.
Reply:You should not put two different orchids in the same pot as Orchids survive on a fungus in the wood chippings, and if you do then one fungus would attack the other
Reply:There is no reason that I can think of. Providing that both orchids are of a type that require the same growing conditions and care it should be fine.

You probably cannot find any to buy because it would be a very expensive display and difficult to sell.
Reply:i just don't think they display them like that.i can see no reason why you can't display 2 orchids in the same pot.try it like the woman said they go for around 40 dollars a piece around here they would be to ecspensive to buy 2 and i think they look pretty as one in one pot thats how they were made to be displayed.if you do plant two bulbs make sure you have enough room in the pot and good luck.
Reply:I've got two different phaleonopsis blooming at the same time in one pot right now. I guess it's possible that cross pollination might happen, but there's not reason orchids with similar needs won't grow together that I know of.

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