Friday, January 27, 2012

Could anyone traslate this phrase to arabic or explain what it means in english ? plz?

large garden centres stock reproduction models

Could anyone traslate this phrase to arabic or explain what it means in english ? plz?
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marakez al-hada'eq al-kubra tukhazen namathej an-naskh

In English: Big places that keeps copies of things.
Reply:Large = big (adjective)

A 'garden centre' (noun) sells all sorts of things for the garden.

stock (verb) = keep stock of/have in stock/have for sale

reproduction models = copies
Reply:well its the same in Arabic.

Large, can mean a bit bigger than big or voluptuous,

Garden is a place for your flowers, vegetables and trees to grow such as pears, etc

centres, are in the middle of things like some chocolate have soft centres,

reproduction, we can reproduce, there are also production lines, these are mainly in factories and the like, to reproduce is to make similar things,

Models , there are different models of cars bikes cloths etc

and the models that show them off'model a nice looking person.

so basically the translation is

voluptuous pear with soft centre to reproduce similar things with a nice looking person. i hope this is of great help to you.
Reply:al 7ada2iq al qobra tokhazzin amthal lilinjab.

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