Monday, January 30, 2012

Anyone know what type of tomato plant this is?

Hi this tomato plant was bought for me from a garden centre (see picture

I'm wondering if this is a bush or upright type and whether I need to support it with canes? It came with the label 'plum tomato' and says it is 'heavy cropping with a vigorous bush' does this mean that is is a bush type? Forgive me if this seems a silly question I am a complete novice.

I am growing this plant on a sunny windowsill have had it for about three weeks now. Any tips would be great as I am clueless! Thanks

Anyone know what type of tomato plant this is?
Sounds like a bush type to me, but it's impossible to tell at this size. If I were you I'd give it a stake anyway, and just be prepared to give it more support in case it vines. Make sure you know how to prune it too; look here:

Hope this helps : )
Reply:It will tend to be a bush type as it is a heavy cropping plum tomato, however all tomato plants would grow as bush types they produce side shoots on the main stem. You can then pinch out the side shoots to get a tall upright plant or leave them and get a bush tomato. As you have a heavy cropping plum tomato, you would not want a tall plant as the weight of the fruit would weigh the plant down and may even cause it to collapse. So let your plants grow naturally and leave the side shoots in, I think you will need a wide windowsill, don't forget to re-pot the plants as soon as roots appear out of the bottom of the pot. Move up to a 12inch pot and start feeding as soon as the first fruit start to set ------- good luck

Plum tomato's are normally of the bush type, this means, they don't need the side shoots taking out.

Larger plants will still need staking, they are best staked using bamboo canes around the plants, a tying string around the canes.

Plum tomato's are great in the kitchen, adding flavour to stews, soups, anything really. Just sit back wait for them to grow, and enjoy them.
Reply:Any tomato with a heavy crop sounds like it will need a stake.

I would play it safe and give it a stake because they will not warn you and suddenly snap.

You can get a very little 3 foot long pole for it.
Reply:I can't tell if its a bush type or not. I assume that you will be moving it outside when the weather premits. I would put a cage in the pot for support, it won't hurt it and will support it when it gets fruit. Plum tomatoes are great for sauce! Enjoy!

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