Monday, January 30, 2012

What is killing my autumn bedding plants?

My primroses and cyclamen are rotting before my eyes. There is a kind of fungus in the hearts of the plants killing off the foliage and the flowers. It has spread to my tradescantia cuttings making the stems watery and weak. My pansies are unaffected but it is also on my baby chrysanthemums. I cannot identify it on fungal remedies at the garen isn't mildew and I am loathe to buy expensive preparations if I am not sure of the disease. The garden centre plants were being reduced to clear with the same disease! But he couldn't tell me what was wrong. Help!

What is killing my autumn bedding plants?
sounds like they were planted to deep and or the soil is way to wet.
Reply:Sounds like it might be rot (without seeing it it's hard to tell) - if there is overwatering and too much mulch that can happen. Contact your local Ag Extension Agent, or local Master Gardener program, and take some samples to them - they will not only be able to identify the issue, but make recommendations for solutions. (If you have a local Botanic Garden they might be able to help too.)

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