Hiya, i found a baby bird in my garden a few hours ago think it fell of the nest and cat got it! Rang the bird recuse people but they said all the animal centre are shut now. I will take it tomorrow if i can keep it a live. I'm trying to feed it dog food but won't eat and i have him well covered to keep him warm.
Any advice would be great?? xx We reckon it's a black bird x
Found a baby bird?
You have to watch as baby wild birds can die of shock quite easily.
If it is a blackbird dig up some worms from the garden and try holding them in a pair of tweezers directly in the birds view.With luck the bird will open its beak and you can start feeding it that way.
They do need fed quite often but it is rewarding if you are successful and the bird survives.
Reply:Use tweezers and feed by hand , cat food if you have any... although dog food should do. It wont take the food itself. If the dog food is firm mix a little water with it to make it mushy. During daylight hours you need to feed it by hand every 1-2 hours.Make a nest out of torn tissue paper in a dish (loo roll would do).
I sucessfully reared a greenfinch using the aforsaid methord (I thought it was a blackbird til it got older) As it gets older it will help itself to seed.
Reply:we raised a baby mockingbird and we fed it crushed insects and chopped up worms. you can buy live crickets and mealworms at your local petstore if you don't want to go dig for some in your garden. if it won't eat, try feeding it mushed banana with warm milk mixed in. our little mockingbird loved it. good luck!!
Reply:I found a baby robin and it was sooo cute kept it alive for 3 days..........It had some sourt of deasese.
Anyways feed it warm kibble soaked in milk you'll also have to cut the kibble into smaller peices. Try and find it's nest and put him back up there if you can.
Reply:try feeding it insects and seeds etc, mushed up worms, i know grusome. I dont think that it will ever sourvive in the wild again, coz the other birds will know that humans have handled it (they can smell us on them), but i hope the bird sourvives.
Reply:Smash some bananas and berries together(smash very well)!
Make sure you can get small drops of water on your finger and put it over its mouth so it doesnt get dehightrated!
Good luck.
Reply:try soaking the the dog food till its a bit mushy and at about room temp.
Reply:call your local rspca or sspca they will collect it
Sunday, February 5, 2012
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