Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why bother with the 'Free Will' thing, if He is just gonna go ahead and SMITE us??

What was with that booby-trap in the centre of the garden of Eden? Adam and Eve were kids right,,,,if you go ahead and tell kids not to do something, you better give them a decent reason and keep them away from bad influences like talking snakes and such.

Everyone is Free-Willing away and God decides, 'Hell with this, I'm gonna Nuke 'em???

Once again just a Free-Willing away and God thinks, 'Well that nuking thing was a bust! This time I'll drown the buggers!

And, yea, of course, putting it like that doesn't sound so's the Gospel Truth isn't it?

Why bother with the 'Free Will' thing, if He is just gonna go ahead and SMITE us??
Have you ever actually seen God smite anyone?
Reply:What do you mean US kemosobe!

I can stand right next to you when you get nuked, and I will not even get the smell of smoke on me!

Good luck!

Let me guess, you are a parent?
Reply:Interesting analogy. There was plenty of trees with fruit on them in the Garden of Eden, not just the one forbidden. The free-will was so we all wouldn't be robots walking around all programmed the same way. And just think, if Eve hadn't eat from the forbidden tree, YOU or I wouldn't be here. They would still be alive in the Garden of Eden. So I'm thankful they did, and thankful there is free-will. If there wasn't free-will you wouldn't have a choice in the matter, you would HAVE to worship GOD. But, He isn't like that, He wouldn't force anyone to worship Him, but, since He created us He has a right to punish us for not obeying Him or worshiping Him. So if there wasn't free-will, Eve wouldn't have ate the forbidden fruit, and none of us would be here, Adam and Eve would still be in the Garden of Eden. Understand better now?
Reply:but you have to agree, there are many kids out there in the world right now who should be exterminated because they are simply BAD and EVIL. if we do want to get rid of them, we wait until they are adults before we execute them. doesn't make much sense does it? i say get rid of them while they are still young.

God has the same right to do that to us. people are annoying creatures and only God has the patience to deal with them. and even His patience runs out.
Reply:Read Austin Osman Spare's The Book of Pleasure - The Psychology of Self-Love.
Reply:If we get nuked it's because someone else's free will determined the need to do that. Not God.

I don't think God needs nukes to kick our asses if he wanted to afterall.

And we all have to die. You honestly think wasting away in a nursing home is better than drowning? Maybe that's the smite. Maybe you wouldn't sound this angry if you didn't see death as the ultimate end.

I thought the Gospel of Truth was that dead wasn't the final say!!!!

Adam and Eve were kids? Since they were in an unfallen state - they were probably more intelligence and sophisticated then us. The Bible doesn't indicate they were clueless kids except when it came to the full extent of evil - that's the only thing they didn't have a clue about.

Think if it this way please. If you could give someone a pill to totally love you, would it be real love or a counterfeit? If Adam and Eve have never been given option to reject God - their love for him would be counterfeit as well. That's why if there is no free will - there can be no love.

I hope that makes sense.
Reply:First of all God did tell them they would "surely die" if they eat from the tree, that seems like a pretty good reason not to do something.

If there was nothing they could do to disobey God then it really wouldn't be freewill. This would be like telling everyone how great your kids are because the never misbehave when you just lock them in an empty padded room where they can't do anything wrong.

I'm not sure who God Nuked, maybe you're talking about Sodom and Gomorrah which happened after the flood.

The point of freewill is that it makes God look good when we choose to do what he wants even when we don't have to.
Reply:God loved us and so doing He gave us a choice, follow Him or go our own way. Just in the way a parent can't force their children to obey. They just build a good relationship with the child and tell them what they should and shouldn't do. It is then the child's choice! God wants us to choose Him and not abuse the freedom of willpower that He's given us, but people are selfish, sinning, tyrants who don't care what God thinks. God sent His Son to die for us and in doing so, save us so we wouldn't have to die as punishment for abusing the free will! He wants us to choose to love Him, because if we were forced to love Him that wouldn't really be love! He is not going to SMITE us. He is going to judge those who haven't accepted Christ as their savior, because they didn't accept Christ's attonement for our sins.

(Adam and Eve were NOT children, they were full grown adults!)

I hope I answered your question.
Reply:Dude, GOD IS NOT CAPABLE OF NUKING ANYONE........jeez im trying hard to be nice to i will be nice.


Just because a prophet (key word here) Prophesized thats how were all going to kill eachother does not mean God (the source of all creation) asked them to do so!!!!

We are the dreamers of our dream, we create famine, death pestulance, hate and nuclear warfare........

UPDATE I got an email from this person asking me to not pick the one "mistake" from the post.

So he/she meant nuking as a metaphor.....either way dude, we still manifest the foulness of our world. But heres your retrobution!

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