for example a day care centre which looks after both the younger and the older generations...
this is where the greatest exchange takes place - between the young and elderly
the elderly pass on their life experience, values, wisdom, respect, stories and
the young give the elderly vivacity, joy, happiness and the spritliness of their youth!
love and happiness flowing both ways!!
it kills me that children are in day centres all day whilst their parents work and likewise the elderly are sat in a tv room somewhere.
i imagine a care centre that features a greenhouse like a mini kew gardens where the elderly can teach the young about plants and a vegetable patch to teach the children the abundence of nature and the fact that food doesnt come out of a plastic or cardboard wrapper!
in another part stories could be read or better still told by both young and old
of course there could still be areas where people go to reflect or take a nap, but it would offer more choice
Is there a better solution to nursing homes for the elderly?
I'd hate to go into a Nursing Home, it'd be just like being instutionalised. I couldn't stand the regimented way of life. I'd rather shoot myself.
Reply:My observation is that most people in nursing homes are not capable of the activities you describe.
Reply:In theory this idea sounds great, but in practise there are many hurdles to it. If the people in the nursing home are merely elderly and healthy it is one thing, but if they are not healthy in mind or body that can bring all sorts of complications. Children and old people have different needs and require different forms of nursing and environmental care. However I do think that a good idea would be to arrange for children to visit the elderly for a couple of hours at a time .
Reply:donate yourself to the advancement of medical sciences
Reply:My grandmother just passed away in a nursing home. She had alzheimers. Before she went into a home, my mum looked after her for a lot of the time. She'd drive up to her house to get her up in the morning and to put her to bed at night. It was exhausting for her. It has made her look 10 years older and it's horrible! The whole thing was horrible. When my grandmother went into the home, (as many of them do) she wanted to get out all the time. She eventually recognised it as home but it took a couple of months. But when people have dementia, they don't have a life, just an existence. It is like being in prison in a way. Being confined to a seat all day, getting bum sores, listening to the same boring/screaming people and music all day long. On the other hand, it's something you pay a lot of money for other people to take care of for you. But if you take on the burden yourself, it take out a lot of your time and energy. I hope you make the right decision.
Reply:Stella has the right of this one because like all nice ideas it costs money people time and some one to see that its done right in the USA no chance money and profit is their God. here in the UK much the same its a sad fact of life. yours in J.C. p.w.l.
Reply:I have thought about this very idea. It sounds great but I kept coming up with glitches. The biggest was during elderly/child interactions there is more than ideas and stories exchanged, there are germs! Germs are a real enemy of the elderly. I never could get past that one.
my mom lives with us. She will never go to a nursing home. I will have inhome care if she gets to be too much for me to handle. At least then she will remain in a familiar surrounding and I can supervise her care.
Reply:Told my kids, should it come to that, take me to a great outdoor concert on the lake, preferably 60' classics, ply me with food and wine, when it's finished point me toward the lake!
Reply:Well, family is one solution. Take care of those that took care of you.
But the working family cannot always do that. So you can hire a caregiver to come in and care for your loved one, arrange for adult day care outside of the home, or find the least offensive senior living home you can stand.
I love your idea of kids and seniors being cared for together, but the reality of the licensing, insurance and cost of training for the caregivers to handle the needs of both children and seniors is prohibitive.
But what a great idea!
Reply:What a lovely idea, but by the time the elderley get
to a Nursing home it is because they can't look after
themselves and need nursing. Helping to look after
the young ( under 5's) as the over 5's are at school
would be totally beyond them.
Reply:i think you are on to something and i just happen to know a man who owns a couple to nursing homes i think i will bounce this off him -- yes they could take one section and make it a joint/dual purpose section!!!
Reply:whats your question?
Reply:Entrepreneurship is calling.
Reply:I work in a nursing home. And its not half as bad as some of your answers indicate. The elderly are never made to feel institutionalised. They always have someone to converse with, apart from the daily care they are entitled to recieve. Their famililies come and visit them each day and take them out for outings. And the ones that do not recieve visitors or have family are supplimented with nursing home outings and the staff take them out, i.e. shoping or just for a walk etc..
They have freedom to go and do whatever they want...the home is their home. If they have a problem, believe me, it is soon sorted out to the benefit of their greater comfort.
Reply:I think you have wonderful ideas. I would like to add: to have whoever hires who works with the elderly alot of compassion and monitoring .(like a Nanny cam type of monitoring). Also, more activities for the elderly (who have the physical stamina for it). More pet therapy (dogs and /or cats visiting the elderly).Better looking facilities. Monitoring of the food served, too. So it tastes good, not slop..
Reply:All in all I think this is a good idea....I like the greenhouse idea....if I could I would give you ten points
Reply:I work in an aged care home, and while I 'd like to think of this idea as being worthwhile, in reality it would be very difficult to maintain. Its a bit of a dream - all these happy, vital old people sitting around and sharing their life's experiences with a gaggle of sweet-tempered children, who would be riveted by all this wonderful knowledge.
In reality, kids like playing with other kids most of the time. Spending time listening to old people talk, would rate somewhere fairly low on the scale of 1 - 10 for the average kid, far below playing video games and riding bicycles. And as for the old people - well, by the time they get to the stage of needing care, the idea of spending long amounts of time around a bunch of kids is pretty low on the agenda, too. Have you noticed the "no kids" communities that are springing up everywhere? They are popular for good reason - kids can be a pain for long periods.
Sorry to sound like a prophet of doom , but I can't see these two age groups being too happy about spending their days together. At my facility, we have "baby time" once a week, when mothers bring their little ones in for playtime and a chat, and after an hour, the oldies are really glad to see the back of the kids. They say, "Its nice to see them come, and nicer to see them leave !"
Reply:Your suggestion has value. But I cannot see this becoming a reality. (Regrettably it is a little to "socialistic" for the USA) - but that should not stop some go getter from opening up such a facility. Good luck - it just might work! CJ
Reply:I totally will have to agree with
Reply:good idea for older people in good health . I am not well and do not have the energy for children
Reply:a multi generational day care would be the best...
Reply:if you spent 18 years looking after your kids then they should return the favour, or at least offer
Reply:Sheltered housing is a good option, self contained flats, with warden's living on site. All the flats are fitted with alarms to allert the wardens, if an elderly resident needs them.
Reply:it sounds good but it would not work
people old enough or ill enough to go to day care need time to rest
they would not have much patience with small children running around shouting and screaming
Reply:In the old days apparently, while the parents went to work the children could be looked after by their grandparents. Guess they got indulged and spoiled but also developed a respect and affection for their elders.
Nowadays it is terribly convenient to put your elders into homes often run by private and uncaring business, where they are neglected and ignored (and often abused) until they die. OK, I may say 'shoot me' when I drool and become an incontinent imbecile..but maybe if we ourselves wish reverence and care in our twilight years, we should show the example by caring for our own.
Reply:There are many options available for long term care. The typical "nursing home" is getting to be a thing of the past.There are excellent facilities here in Iowa with a wide spectrum of choices and many programs in progress like you mentioned in your question.Just about any sort of living community to meet the particular needs of the individual and offer a wonderful quality of life .I hope you have the same choices in your state.
Reply:Will I be allowed to take my computer with me into the old folks home. If not there is no way I am going, I will join the other lady who is going to shoot herself.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Is there a better solution to nursing homes for the elderly?
garden centres,
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