Sunday, February 5, 2012

Which is more plausible?

1: An old white guy in the sky with a beard, spreads his hands and 6 days later, viola: earth, sky, water, oceans, plants; and 2 people magically appear in a garden.

2:Or, far away, many trillions of miles a star (after using up all it's fuel) goes supernova. (explodes) The shockwave travels out millions and millions of kilometres; and millions of years later,

some left over stuff from the supernova, collects with other left over stuff from other dead stars. It slowly gathers together and gets bigger.Then; from the slight gravity it has attained, it gathers more matter, and eventually it's big enough to start spinning. After more millions of years it's so gi-normous that at it's centre it's so heavy

that hydrodgen atoms fuse, and begin a reaction that makes a heavier element called helium. After it begins to glow with

internal fires (the now proto-star) drives away most of the gases that made up the original cloud; and left over, are several protoplanets

spinning about a common centr

Which is more plausible?
best argument Ive heard on this subject! if you believe that bullshit you need a psychiatrist
Reply:Neither is very good. But the first is by far more plausible as an explaination of things, because it begins with choice, which does not have to have a cause. The second could only happen because something else caused it to happen. Therefore there can never be an explaination of the beginning of the uninverse that only uses the physical laws.

In other words, where'd that star come from at the beginning of option 2? Where'd any matter come from?
Reply:God is not an old man with a beard
Reply:3. Flying Spaghetti Monster
Reply:Plausible is very subjective. It's based on your experience of what's real. Unfortunately, you've only been around a very small time. A hundred years ago, the idea of instantly communicating with people in other parts of the world would have been implausible as well.

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