Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rabbit advice again please?

I recently took in a male rabbit from someone who didn't have the time to care for him and who spent most of his time in a hutch but even though he is now happy and has the run of the garden I would like to get him a friend (from a rescue centre) as I know they live best in pairs or groups. Unfortunately the previous owner didn't get him neutered and I was wondering, without having to put him through that, would he bond okay with a spayed female rabbit or would it be best to have him neutered anyway before introducing a female?

Rabbit advice again please?
Neuter him first. Rabbits can be horribly territorial. This lessens when you neuter them. After he's neutered, wait at least a month for the hormones to leave his system before getting another rabbit.
Reply:One rabbit one cage

The following was compiled by me to give more help to new rabbit owners and I exhibit rex, dutch, harlequins, magpies and dwarf lop rabbits, also ferrets and ferret cross European polecat hybrids, I got my first pet ferret and pet rabbit over 50+ years ago, when I was a small child.

History ... Dutch rabbits, along with the English, were the most popular pet and exhibition rabbits a position that has now been filled by the Lop breeds. Originally from Holland or Belgium, the breed is striking in its appearance with a white blaze carrying up to a point between the ears, a saddle of colour continuing right around the middle of the rabbit with a straight edge and white markings on the hind feet. Their coat should be glossy and they are a medium size rabbit weighing 2.04 -2. 26 kg (4.5 lb. 5 lb.).

Behaviour of all rabbits ... Dutch rabbits are very lively and alert and should make good pets although a prospective owner should be looking for a breeder that handles the rabbits regularly from a young age so that the rabbit is not too jumpy. Colours Black, Blue, Chocolate, Yellow, Tortoiseshell, Steel Grey, Brown Grey, Pale Grey and Tri Colour By using body language rabbits can stamp their feet or with a flash of a tail they can be seen and heard by other rabbits over a long distance.

Feeding ... Rabbits require a high fibre with lots of low quality hay (dried grass) or straw and low protein feed to prevent digestive problems, all rabbits do better on a poor quality hay than on a better quality hay such as timothy hay. Use rabbit pellets which can be purchased from pet shops to provide all your rabbits dietary needs and along with the following. Vegetables:

Artichoke leaves and Jerrusalem leaves, stems and tubers, Asparagus, Baby Sweetcorns and full size ones, Beetroot, Broccoli (and its leaves, including purple sprouting varieties), Brussel Sprouts (leaves and sprouts), Cabbage (can sometimes cause digestive upsets), Carrots (and carrot tops), Cauliflower (and the leaves), Celeriac, Celery (and its leaves), Chicory (in small amounts as this is a diretic), Courgette ( also leaves and flowers), Cucumber ( also leaves and flowers), Curly Kale (Excerlent for winter use), Fennel, Green beans (including leaves and stems), Kohl rabi, Parsnip, Peas (including the leaves and pods), Peppers (red, green and yellow), Pumpkin ( also leaves and flowers), Radish Tops, Rocket, Romaine (and all other lettuce as this is a diretic), Spinach (only occasional), Spring Greens, Squash (e.g. Butternut, leaves and flowers), Swede (Excerlent for winter use), Turnip (only occasional), Watercress.

Herbs (often powerful tastes so may take some getting used to): Basil, Coriander, Dill, Mint (peppermint), Parsley, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme.

Fruits (should be fed in moderation, due to sugar content): all types of fresh fruit including skin Apple, Apricot, Banana (high in potassium),Blackberries (and leaves – excellent astringent properties), Blueberries,Cherries, Grapes, Kiwi Fruit, Melon, Mango, Nectarines, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Plums, Strawberries, Raspberries (and leaves – excellent astringent properties), Tomatoes (not the leaves)

Wild Garden Herbs/Weeds/Flowers: Borage, Calendula, Camomile, Chickweed ( in small amounts as this is a diretic), Clover (leaves and flowers), Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Dandelion (in small amounts as this is a diretic), Goosegrass (cleavers) but may stick to coat!, Lavender, Mallow, Nettle (the type with the white flowers), Nasturtium (leaves and flowers), Shepherd's purse, Sow Thistle, Plantain, Yarrow.

Extra vitamins and salt licks are not required. Any changes in diet must be made slowly (green stuffs and prepared feeds) over a period of a couple of weeks, to avoid digestive upsets. Fresh water must be available at all times and renewed daily. To enable your rabbit to extract as much protein, vitamins and minerals from their low quality food, they digest their food twice, these are soft, kidney shaped droppings which are covered in a small amount of mucous. These droppings are very different from the dry round droppings that you will usually see your rabbit passing. Rabbits are herbivorous and wild rabbits will spend most of their lives grazing on grass, foliage, flowers and roots

Rabbits living indoor will drink more water than rabbits living out of doors because of the dryer atmosphere

Housing ... For first time rabbit owner once you get home with your rabbit, put it in your cage and leave it for 48 house so that it can get used to its new surroundings before you start handling it, if you start to handle it too early you could end up with a very grumpy young rabbit from the start.

Rabbits can be kept indoors or outdoors, either way they need their own space in an appropriate cage or hutch. There are many purpose built cages and hutches available, alternatively you could build your own. It is recommended that you purchase the best quality you can afford, your rabbit will need it for 7--12 years. Make sure that the hutch is large enough for your rabbit to stretch full out, and high enough for your rabbit to stand upright. Dutch rabbits are generally comfortable in a 4' x 2' hutch. If kept outdoors, the hutch should have a dark enclosed area to provide your rabbit with a quiet space. The main living area should be large enough for your rabbit to stretch full out, and have wire mesh on the door. The hutch should be at least 6" off the floor to provide adequate ventilation. In the winter you can move your rabbits indoors or into a shed. They are also quite happy remaining out of doors, providing extra protection such as an old blanket draped over the front of the hutch at night in very cold weather. Remember rabbits need good ventilation, you can not therefore leave the cover down permanently otherwise your rabbit will succumb to chest infections from the damp, ammonia or overheating, and rabbits die from all of these.

Rabbits are naturally very clean animals and will only defecate and urinate in one area.

Bedding ... Hay, straw and wood chips all make suitable bedding for rabbits. It is down to personal choice which you use, however, research has shown that rabbits will choose straw rather than wood chip or wire bottomed cages. All bedding should be renewed at least once a week, and the hutch should be washed, scrubbed and disinfected several times per year.

Rabbits can live out doors quite happily at minus 20c or below, all they need is plenty of bedding and a 4 inch layer of shavings

Exercise ... Rabbits need regular stimulation and exercise in a safe environment. This can be in a purpose made rabbit run or simply by bringing your rabbit indoors and letting it play in your living room. Rabbits that are playing outside of their hutches, either in a run or indoors, should be supervised at all times and their play area must be 'rabbit proofed' by removing any hazards. Young rabbits will enjoy exercise, but be careful not to over do it, particularly if you are still in the 'getting to know each other' period.

Rabbits are sociable creatures and enjoy the company of humans, dogs, cats and other rabbits if carefully introduced. It is generally suggested that each rabbit has its own hutch (particularly if you intend to show it) as rabbits are like children and prefer not to share 'bedrooms'. They can, however, socialise together in common space, such as rabbit runs, and will like being able to see and hear another rabbit when they are in their own hutches. 2 bucks must never be put together even in a run if they have not been castrated (they will fight).

Rabbits need to be occupied and they love playing with toys. This can include manufactured toys for human babies, birds, cats, dogs, hamsters etc. But rabbits will equally get hours of enjoyment from some very cheap, readily available items in the household, blocks of wood, planks, plastic flower pots. Rabbits can get exercise by taking them out on a harness and lead, but the problem with this is that rabbits can pick up diseases and fleas left on the grass by other rabbits, if their vaccinations are up to date they should not get any of the diseases but they will still pick up fleas.

Rabbits left to run around the home while the householder is out will chew wires, electric leads and furniture, these pets should be put in a pen or hutch while the householders are not at home.

Health ... It is recommend that you get your rabbit covered by Pet Insurance as veterinary fees can mount up. Never leave a rabbit in the sole care of a child. As an adult you will have to assume sole responsibility for the health and welfare of your child's rabbit.

To prevent territorial behaviour of both bucks (males) and does (females), it is suggested that pet rabbits are neutered, if they are not neutered then it should be one rabbit per cage. I don't see altering as cruel when the kits may be dead in a year anyway; either through being "released" into the wild" or being slaughtered in a shelter when the owners have got bored of them.

Never put intact cavies / guinea-pigs in with intact rabbits as they will both sexually abuse each other, cavies / guinea- pigs should be housed with others of the same species. Males can be neutered at around 3-4 months, and does at 6 months. Females over 2-3 years old that are not being regularly bred from are at high risk of developing uterine cancer unless neutered.

Rabbits have little ability to regulate their body temperature and die very easily from heat stroke. Ensure adequate shade is provided at all times. Handle your rabbit daily, and it will generally enjoy your company. Never pick a rabbit up by its ears, and always support your rabbits back and hind quarters when handling. Rabbits can easily
Reply:I don't recommend keeping them together. There are many potential problems when keeping rabbits together:

fur chewing

ear biting

tails bitten off



weight loss from running around too much

sore hocks

And the list goes on.

Rabbit's live perfectly happy by theirselves and should not be penned together past weaning age. I've seen dozens of people put even neutered and spaded rabbits together and still have all of these same problems. Yes, neutering or spading the rabbit will probably reduce the likelihood of these problems but it by no means eliminates the chance of them occurring.

Also, be careful about letting your rabbit run around the garden like that. Eating too much greens while running around the garden could give your rabbit diarrhea. If your rabbit starts having the runs or starts feeling bony over the back then stop letting your rabbit run around the garden like that.
Reply:Hey my rabbit has just had bunnies!
Reply:That's fine. If you get him a "friend", you can have barbecued ribs one night and stew or hot pot the following night
Reply:You'd be better off getting him neutered, as he will harass the female even though she is spayed and will become very frustrated. It's a quick and easy operation if you have a good vet, and neutered rabbits generally live longer.
Reply:i would get him neutered if i were you it will make him less aggressive towards the newcomer
Reply:It'd be best to have him neutered. My male is in the same position exactly, abandoned and everything. But anyways he humps poor Babs and sprays everyone and stuff so better to have him castrated.

It's only a 10 minute operation and the anaesthetic is reversed straight after. As long as he isn't ill go get him done. Id you need financial help go to a charity or animal organisation, PDSA or RSPCA etc.

Good luck!
Reply:You're better off if you neuter him first for a couple of reasons. For one thing, just because she's spayed doesn't mean he won't try to mate with her if he's not fixed also. Secondly, most rescue centers won't allow their animals to be adopted out to a family with an unaltered rabbit already living there. And finally, the rabbit is much less aggressive when neutered and will therefore get along with a female more easily. Good luck!!
Reply:wow, bunny eating jokes NEVER get old....*rolls eyes*

I agree with the getting him neutered part. Bunnies are subjected to lots of reproductive cancers and illness and getting them fix cuts down greatly on that.

Also, getting your rabbit fixed makes them easier to litter train, makes them not spray, and makes them less aggressive.

Although its expensive to get your rabbit fix, its WELL worth it.
Reply:don't put them in the same run/hutch straight away.

when i had a rabbit and then got another, we had to runs and hutches opposite each other, so both rabbits would go to the end of the runs and sniff each other, eventually we slowly put them together [they're both girls]. now they're like sisters.

so take things slowly before you put them straight next to each other. he will try to 'mate' with her sometimes but it's a lot safer than getting another male.
Reply:Spaying a small animal can be risky and expensive, so I think getting him a spayed girly - bunny would be much better.

Just introduce them carefully!

Good luck!
Reply:if you have a rabbit on its own the rabbit bonds more with the own [you] but can get lonely but if you have two [make sure it ent another boy they fight] they stick together and dont really get to no the owner buut arent lonely.

if you do get another one make sure you get it done!

hope i helped...=]
Reply:Yes, its best so your rabbit won't become aggressive, or end up with baby bunnies.

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